"The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give it away." David Viscott

Friday, July 22, 2011

Crochet! - A Review

Every time I visit a bookstore, I always check to see if they have any new crochet books.  If they do, I will take the time to flip through it.  I'm usually disappointed as I find mostly how-to books.  I already know how to crochet, I want to know more!  Sometimes I come across a pattern book where a design screams out at me - I'll buy that simply for one pattern.  Every once in a while something different comes along, like Crochet! Techniques - Stitches - Patterns by Marie-Noelle Bayard.

It didn't take long for this book to impress me.  Chapter 1 - Techniques covers the usual stuff, but goes on to armholes, necklines, and buttonholes.  Chapter 2 - The Basics has the usual stitches, but some  unusual ones as well, such as the Toleware and Riddle.  The rest of the book follows the same formula, i.e. this is the basic, this is what the basic can be turned into.  I was pleasantly surprised, so of course I had to buy it!

One unique feature of this book is the index.  Flip through the book from the back, and you'll see color photographs of the 18 patterns in the book, then more color photos of the stitch patterns.  Each photo is complete with a name and a page number.  Talk about convenient!

I highly recommend this book to crocheters of all levels.  It's worth the investment!

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